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New Print on Demand Maps: AGT Geocenter

Now available from AGT Geocenter: 10 Russian language maps of Moscow and area, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Europe, and the world.

The city maps show street-level detail including roads, passages and postal addresses, while the Moscow region map shows the how the city has grown in recent years. The world maps present country profiles with information such as the national flags, capital cities and populations and much more. Maps of Europe and Russia done in an antique style include insets of how the political boundaries have changed since 1800.

Finally, a contemporary Russia wall map which includes variety of historical data such as places and dates of historical events, and founding of cities and towns. This map surrounded by an illustrated time-line with information on all rulers of the state from Ruric to Putin and most important events of Russian history. It is ideal for home, office or school.

These maps are available for Print On Demand from our retail partners

Click here to see the full listing of maps available from AGT Geocenter

AGT Geocenter World map in Russina

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