SOON13 Sarnia - Southern Ontario Topo
Backroad Mapbooks
This recreation topographic map for Sarnia highlights all the logging/resource roads, hunting areas, fishing lakes & streams, campsites, paddling routes for canoeing and kayaking, wildlife viewing areas, multi-use trails for hiking, biking, horseback riding, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, motorized trails for ATVing and snowmobiling & more. Covering 1,325 km2 (510 mi2), this 1:55,000 scale map measures 31.5 x 42 km (19.5 x 26 mi), providing you with more topographic and recreational detail for the Detroit River area than any other map on the market. New features include expanded road and trail data and countless recreational Points of Interest. Included on this map are Sarnia, Lake Huron, St Clair River, Port Huron, Canatara Park, Stag Island Provincial Wildlife Area, Woodrowe Shores, Point Edward and more!
Page Size: 24 x 37 in (610 x 940 mm)
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